⛶  Running scripts / work arounds Every script or workaround to be executed in production must be thoroughly reviewed and tested for functional flow/update and for non-functional issues like performance, logging, signal handling and graceful exit in case it needs to be killed.

The exact code must be checked in the code repository (instead of local disk or storage) with appropriate comments for functional description. Records count being updated should be logged

⛶  Timing Perform all scheduled tasks precisely on time, not earlier or later.

⛶  Monitoring - If you run a query in Production, monitor it until it has completed. Inform the DBA if it runs longer than expected. 

⛶  CCC - Command Control Center - Scripts/ Jobs/ Workarounds are to be run only after a proper change management process; Standard operational tasks to be run from Command Control Center (CCC) with proper instructions or documentation.

⛶  Killing a process - If you need to kill a running process, make sure that all background processes are also killed.