CI 9.1: To what extent are the different types of TF activity (e.g., collection, movement and use of funds or other assets) prosecuted and offenders convicted? Is this consistent with the country’s TF risk profile?

CI 9.2: How well are cases of TF identified, and investigated? To what extent do the investigations identify the specific role played by the terrorist financier?

CI 9.3: To what extent is the investigation of TF integrated with, and used to support, national counter-terrorism strategies and investigations (e.g., identification and designation of terrorists, terrorist organisations and terrorist support networks)?

CI 9.4: To what extent are the sanctions or measures applied against natural and legal persons convicted of TF offences effective, proportionate and dissuasive?

CI 9.5: To what extent is the objective of the outcome achieved by employing other criminal justice, regulatory or other measures to disrupt TF activities where it is not practicable to secure a TF conviction?